Good day beloved members of the Progressive Christian Alliance!
During the fall of 2021, elections were held to create a new leadership team with an expanded number of members in order to more effectively carry out the business of the PCA. Once in office, this team has worked tirelessly over the last twelve months to carry out a number of actions to help improve our operations. As a sign of the dedication of our Leadership Council members, they agreed to biweekly meetings we held each month in order to get more work done. Additionally, the Leadership Council decided to create several standing committees and a monthly Strategic Planning meeting in order to ensure efficient operations while planning for the future needs of the organization. Several challenges have occurred (i.e., need to move data base to a new server; large backlog of ordination request and the loss of three Leadership Council members) but each was addressed through creative problem solving and good teamwork. As we look back on 2022, I am happy to share with our membership the following report which highlights many of activities we undertook over the course of the year.
Report of 2022 Activities
1) Review of the meaning of PCA – The Leadership Council undertook a review of the meaning of PCA to ensure we had a common understanding of what our organization is about as we set about to rebuild.
2) Data Base – We identified the number of files on Google works drive (184 dating back to 2017 as of 1/22) and are undertaking a project to reorganize file system. We moved the database to new server and identified means to back up data to ensure no more lost records. The secretary will transfer this information to the new Leadership Council Secretary in December 2022.
3) Membership list/phone numbers/email addresses – We created updated membership list which is available on the website and the Communication Chair will periodically publish a call for members to update their contact information.
4) PCA 2022 EOY Treasurer’s Report (highlights) – The beginning bank balance in January 2022 was $1,1777.34. There were expenses for business license, cost of material for ordination certificates, data base and website hosting. Income was from donations from Leadership Council members and a pending $500 dollar to the scholarship fund for ordinand background fees. The ending bank balance in December 2022 was $747.61. The Leadership Council will continue to pursue opportunities to give.
5) Meeting Minutes – We recognized need to update prior meeting minutes from 2021. The secretary worked to update records. We recognized need to update current 2022 meeting minutes. The Secretary working to update records before leaving office.
6) Websites – We re-launched the website with a new logo.
7) Outstanding request for Ordination – The Ordination Chair worked with Leadership Council to complete the ordination of 24 new ministers. In addition, 9 ecclesiastical endorsements were made. The Ordination Committee set up to address future ordination request (currently there are 19 open ordination applications).
8) Strategic Planning – We worked on a Strength/Weakness/Opportunity/Threat (SWOT) analysis and member survey was conducted to determine future actions. Once a month Leadership Council Strategic Planning Meeting established.
9) Position Statements – Four statements on various issues were created and are posted on our website. The statements were on the following issues: The Mass Shooting in Colorado Springs;
The Overturning of Roe v. Wade; The Recent Spate of Anti-Trans Legislation/Rhetoric and The Illegal Invasion of Ukraine.
10) Online Magazine/Newsletter – The Communication Chair is working to publish a monthly article for our website.
11) Social Activism – Members of the PCA Leadership Council have participated in demonstrations in support of several social justice causes (Pride, Overturning of Roe, Asian Hate Crimes, Club Q Shooting).
12) Uniter of Progressive Spiritual Organizations – There was an affiliation agreement signed with organization in Alabama. We are currently working on establishing affiliation with Poor People’s Campaign.
13) Education – The Co-Chair/Ordination Chair is preparing to present a class on Deconstruction/Reconstruction.
14) Background Check Restarted – Co-Chair/Ordination Chair has identified and set up arrangements with a vendor to carry out background checks (in case our ordained and ordinands need a resource to conduct the background check).
15) Directory of Churches – A directory of current PCA churches was created.
16) VA Affiliation – First two PCA ministers obtained approval to be chaplains for the VA through an arrangement with another ministerial organization. Efforts are underway to gain VA approval for the PCA to be a sponsoring organization.
17) Easter Service – An Easter Service was held with the Leadership Council jointly conducting an online communion service.
18) Online services – Online Sunday church services by PCA member churches are being carried on one of our Facebook group pages.
Closing Remarks
Happy New Year everyone. 2022 was an exciting year in the fourteen-year history of the PCA. Many goals have been accomplished and our organization has ordained a substantial number of new ministers. The Leadership Council looks forward to continuing to grow our organization and to create new ways to share Christian ministry. Opportunities exist for members, ordained and ordinands to follow the spirit and participate in (or create) PCA activities. God loves everyone and the PCA continues to be a beacon of light to all people seeking to know Jesus.
Very truly yours,
Rev. Pierce Leavell, MHA, MA
Leadership Council Chair
Progressive Christian Alliance