Core Principles

The Progressive Christian Alliance maintains a focus on social justice. We believe that the
gospel of Christ calls us to minister to the last, the lost, the least, and the left-out of society.

We respect theological diversity. Faith is not about concrete answers, religious absolutes,
creeds, or dogma. Faith is about the search for understanding, the raising of important
questions, the open honesty of having doubt, and the realization that no one has it all
completely right nor does any human hold all the answers. We seek to follow the advice found
in 1 Thessalonians 5:21, which is to “seek truth out in all things and hold firmly onto that which
is good.” Religious absolutes of dogma, legalism, and strict doctrine become stumbling blocks
and “litmus tests” for who is “in” and who is “out” of the circle of God’s grace. These false tests
that Jesus never required get in the way of truly following Jesus and his teachings.

We affirm the dignity of all of God’s children and invite them to participate fully in the life of the