Become an Affiliated Ministry

Affiliate your ministry with the Alliance and be part of an inclusive and diverse communion with room for all.

Any ministry or faith community that wishes to become an affiliated ministry of the Alliance may do so by completing the ministry affiliation application expressing their support of the Alliance’s mission and core values. Affiliated ministries are approved by the Leadership Council.

Affiliation continues until the affiliated ministry petitions the Leadership Council for removal or is terminated from membership by the Leadership Council for cause.

Affiliated ministries remain autonomous but will receive support from the Alliance. Participants in the affiliated ministries are encouraged to become individual members of the Alliance for a voice and vote in all policy matters.

Should any case of gross breach of covenant, or of public scandal occur, the Leadership Council shall endeavor to resolve the conflict; and if this effort fails the Leadership Council shall be empowered to act in the best interest of Alliance. All such proceedings shall be pervaded by a spirit of Christian kindness and forbearance, but should an adverse decision be reached, the Alliance may proceed to admonish or declare the offending group to be no longer in affiliation with the Alliance. Any whose affiliation has been terminated for any offense may be restored by majority vote of the Leadership Council, upon evidence of their repentance and reformation.

Affiliation with the Alliance shall be terminated when a group is removed by majority vote of the council due to reasons and circumstances provided in Article 2.4 – Disciplinary Procedures. The Leadership Council will counsel the affiliated ministry for reconciliation prior to an action of termination.

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Ministry Information