Use of the logo(s) and branding is restricted to ministries whose affiliation with the Progressive Christian Alliance has been approved by the Leadership Council. Only the Leadership Council may use the logos to speak on behalf of the Alliance. All other ministries should use the logo below for “Affiliated Ministries.”

The basic logo of the Progressive Christian Alliance reflects our identity and our work as progressives, followers of Jesus, and allies in social justice and inclusion. The dove, a historic symbol of peace in the Christian tradition, is two shades of gray, representing the mystery of the Divine that calls us into the ways of peace and justice. It also represents the myriad of interpretations we have in the alliance of God and what the Divine means. The olive branch, another symbol of inclusion and peace, is a variety of colors representing our varied work in the world to make a new community in the ways of Jesus that is radically inclusive and beautifully diverse. It plays with our motto: “an inclusive community ministering in a diverse world.”
The following is available for use by affiliated ministries that have been approved by the Leadership Council: